Asian Girl Gamers: Quest Craft
Empowering youth through creativity, connection, and representation in storytelling.
At A Glance
Concept Type: Event/Programming
Team: Salma Akter, Jen Chiou, Sidrat Habib
School: Baruch College, Hunter College, CodeSpeak Labs
What is Quest Craft?
Quest Craft is a simplified role playing, D&D-inspired program that fosters creativity, social connection, and cultural representation among youth. The program features engaging narratives, including Asian, like Bengali folklore, to create inclusive and meaningful storytelling experiences. Check out our website!
Youth today face excessive screen time, limited opportunities for creative expression, and a lack of culturally inclusive storytelling. This impacts their social skills, mental well-being, and appreciation for diverse narratives.
Quest Craft offers an interactive, screen-free gaming experience where youth can build social skills, explore creativity, and connect with diverse cultural stories. By simplifying D&D and centering Asian and other diverse folklore, it provides an engaging and inclusive platform for young people to learn and grow.
Meet AGG: Quest Craft
Salma Akter
(SAHL-mah AHK-ter)
Baruch College • @salma._.akt
Jen Chiou
CodeSpeak Lab • @codespeaklabs
Sidrat Habib
(Syd-ruht Ha-BEEB)
Hunter College • @codespeaklabs