Our Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Commitment
“We empower a diverse and inclusive team of youth in the online world. As a conscious organization, we use our platform to create a healthy and safe community both online and in-person for all young people. We will walk the walk when it comes to being inclusive of under-served and under-resourced communities. It is in our organization’s DNA to actively undo the harms of our digital society. We embody this ongoing process around diversity, equity, and inclusion beyond the trend of a hashtag. We will hold ourselves accountable.”
-The LookUp Team

Core Values
Youth Centered
We are a community of youth, representative of their generation, who inhabit authentic expression.
Community Oriented
We have an intentional culture of support, effective dialogue, and belonging at the table.
Evolution Minded
We hold ourselves accountable to learning, transparency, respect, & practice self-awareness.