Digital Decode

Navigating and Writing Our Online Narratives

At A Glance

Concept Type: Curriculum

Team: Angie Tamayo Leon

School: The College of New Jersey

Digital Decode Logo

What is Digital Decode?

Digital Decode promotes creative resistance by encouraging the use of art, storytelling, and other multimedia art forms to create counter-narratives that celebrate diverse beauty, self-worth, and joy.


Social media platforms amplify the sexualization of adolescents and reinforce unattainable beauty standards, disproportionately impacting young Black and Brown girls. These platforms often prioritize algorithmic content that promotes Eurocentric beauty ideals and hyper-sexualized portrayals of women and girls, leaving many youth vulnerable to internalized racism, sexism, and body image issues.


Digital Decode is a comprehensive and interactive media literacy curriculum designed to empower adolescents, particularly Black and Brown girls, to navigate and challenge harmful digital narratives. The curriculum equips young people with the tools to critically evaluate media content by teaching students to recognize harmful beauty standards, identify instances of sexualization, and challenge the racist and misogynistic digital trends by creating their own online narratives.

Meet Digital Decode

  • Angie Tamayo Leon

    Angie Tamayo Leon

    (AHN-gee Ta-ma-yo Leh-ohn)

    The College of New Jersey @angietamayo_
