Digital Wellness

Your resource guide, lead by our Innovators

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Let’s start with some introductory terms and concepts.

One of our partners the Digital Wellness Institute, perfectly defines digital wellness as “a way of life, while using technology, that promotes optimal health and well-being in which body, mind, and spirit are integrated by the individual to live more fully within the human, natural, and digital communities.”

The Attention Economy

The concept of attention economy asserts that human attention has become a scarce resource and valuable commodity amidst the swirl of information constantly bombarding consumers. As information keeps increasing, business and content, creators compete intensely to capture and retain our focus. Understanding how the economy affects us is foundational for contextualizing our experiences and maintaining digital wellness.

The Hook Model

Our attention has become a highly valued item equal to if not higher than the value attributed to money. The Hook Model, coined by Nir Eyal, demonstrates how easily our habits can be formed. This model consists of four major components.


Here’s what our leaders are doing to combat the Hook Model.

Maddie, Yolle, Keegan.

Create a drop down? a new page?

How to Fight the Hook Model:

Remove External Triggers

Eliminate unnecessary notifications that constantly demand your attention. Ask if you really need that IG notification about a like on your post or that restaurant promo alert.

Be Aware of Internal Triggers

Recognize the emotional needs or habits that prompt you to use certain apps. Set aside specific times for your favorite app and be intentional about how much time you spend on them. Implements screen time limits and stick to them.

Utilize Productivity Apps

Use apps designed to enhance and prompt your productivity such as Flora, BePresent, and Pomodoro Timer. These tools can help you stay focused and manage your time more effectively.

Recognize the Bottomless Bowl

Understand that many social media apps (and even platforms like Amazon) are designed to keep you endlessly scrolling. Being aware of this tactic can help you manage your usage.

Make it stand out.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.