Deadline to Apply Nov. 15th 2024

This challenge is for exceptional youth advocates, storytellers, and innovators (18-25) with bold ideas to address the youth mental health crisis through digital wellbeing and youth-led movements and solutions.

Awardees receive up to $2,500 in funding, mentorship, and the braintrust of a cohort of peers with similar goals.

We know that Gen Z has lived connected to technology for their entire lives. We believe that they know how to use technology for good - as well as calling out the harms that need to be mitigated, and how they should be mitigated.

We will be looking specifically for innovations and advocacy where you…

  1. Create a healthy and safe digital world with an emphasis on mental health.

  2. Advocate through programs or strategies that engage with legislative policy or otherwise raise the awareness of ways to mitigate the harmful impact of social media and the digital world or maximize its benefits. Example: AI presents more complexity and concerns for our well-being, mental health, and security. Do you have an idea on how can we ensure that we only gain the benefits and decrease the potential harms?

  3. Share a narrative that creates a healthy, inclusive, and/or responsible digital world.

Create tangible impact.

🔊 Gen Z, you’ve said that enough is enough!

It’s time for mental health to become destigmatized.

We’ve heard you say that you want safer online spaces that promote healthier relationships to yourselves, others, to tech and big tech, and to social media.

We want to help your innovative solutions thrive!

Key Dates

We call these Gen Z solutionists our

✨ LookUp Innovators ✨

with ideas that are centered around improving mental health 🧠 through innovative changes for our digital world.

Sep 2: Applications Open!

Nov 15: Applications Due by 11:59 pm PT

Dec 4 - 7: Interviews

Dec 18: Grant Recipients Notified

Jan 6: Kick Off Week

May: 2025 Innovator Cohort Wrap-Up

June 2025: Innovator Showcase

  • The LookUp Challenge is open for everyone aged 18-25 regardless of their location, background or experience. Individuals or teams may apply.

  • Yes, the majority of our remote programming will be conducted live, therefore, it is strongly recommended that team captains or at least one co-captain is based within a reasonable distance of the San Francisco, CA time zone. (We do accommodate teams who are in other time zones like the East Coast)

  • Yes. While the total number of awards given will depend on the funding needs of the Finalists, we expect to award 8-10 teams with seed grants and cohort membership. The maximum seed grant award is $2,500.

  • Yes. We recognize that applicants may have solutions for different problem areas. However, teams will only be awarded one grant.

    Applicants who have already won a grant may not apply for a second grant for the same solution. Those who previously applied and did not win are welcome to submit new or improved concepts.

  • Based on the judges' scoring matrix, top applicants will be invited and required to give a 20-minute presentation via Zoom to a panel of LookUp judges.

    Judges use the following criteria when reading written applications to determine who will move on to the interview round:

    💼 Responsiveness How well your idea addressed the challenge.

    🚀 Impact The project is a positive force for good to help reimagine and redesign a digital world in which young people can thrive!

    📈 Execution Plan You have demonstrated that you have taken the time to think through how your idea can be executed and the resources you will need to succeed.

    🤝Commitment to the Mission We want to know WHY you are interested in solving this global challenge.

    💡 Innovation The project represents a next-gen approach that hasn’t been seen before, to solve a real problem.

  • Our LookUp Innovation Challenge is held remotely. This ensure that we can support innovators, advocates, and storytellers on a national level.


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