60 Days of Disconnect

Helping to create a more humane digital world through storytelling, research, and advocacy.

At A Glance

Concept Type: Speaking Tour and Increased International Presence

Team: Keegan W. Lee, Bilal M. Ghandour, Ph.D.

School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Elon University.

Model & Strategy.


After writing a book called "60 Days of Disconnect" with Dr. Bilal Ghandour of Elon University, I have been wanting to demonstrate the vision I have for the future of our digital world through the combination of both storytelling and science. We want to expand our impact on a wider, global scale through public speaking, education, and publicizing our book and knowledge on college campuses and educational institutions around the world.


Gen-Z is the first generation to be born into a world of social media. I am one of them. We do not know how this advancement is going to affect their long-term psycho-social development. I am eager to be a part of this progressing knowledge and protect the emerging minds of my generation and those that follow. I have seen how the negative side effects of social media are affecting my peers. We are losing the art of eye contact, conversation, making people feel seen, and other empathic skills that are essential for protecting the fabric from which society functions.


I believe there are multiple ways we can shape the future of our digital era. However, the three that I am trying to emphasize include balance, reclaiming conversation and connection, and education. I am doing this through the interconnectedness of science/research, the art and power of storytelling, and advocacy.

Meet 60 Days of Disconnect Book

  • Keegan W. Lee headshot

    Keegan W. Lee

    (Kee-Gin lee)

    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill • @keegan___lee

  • Bilal M. Ghandour, Ph.D. headshot

    Bilal M. Ghandour, Ph.D.

    (bih-LAL Ghan-dour)

    Elon University • @bilalmghandour


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