Youth Voices

From Our Team

Susan Reynolds

Co-Founder and Board Chair

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Screwdriver Versus Instagram: Social Media as a Tool

How do we use social media as a tool? First, we have to understand our purpose for using social media. Is it to interact with friends? Is it to gain an audience? Is it to find an online space where you feel safe to express yourself? Whatever the reason may be, the first and most crucial step is to understand why.

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The Power of Parents

I have a 13-year-old sister named Kohen. She’s always been mindful when it comes to balancing her screen time with her everyday tasks. She’s responsible, conscientious about how much time she interacts on social media, and observant of what’s truly important.

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Your Life On[the]line

In our transient world, technology is redefining our human experience. Apps that are connecting friends over thousands of miles are simultaneously bringing nations to the brink of war…

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How I Brought Tech-Life Balance to My Community

I’ve heard this so many times. My generation is one of the first to have cell phones and technology as such a large part of our lives and the problems this causes are not being addressed. I see this everywhere I look: from myself, to my classmates, to the kids I babysit...

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What Does TTYL Mean?

TTYL events welcome friends as well as those looking to make new ones (so feel free to come alone)! When it comes to not knowing what to do without your phone? Don’t worry..

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