Youth Voices

From Our Team

Susan Reynolds

Co-Founder and Board Chair

All Blog Posts

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How Discovering Digital Wellness Changed My Life

Growing up, everyday technology use has looked the same—mindless hours spent on addictive technology like social media, video games, Netflix, and so on. Living a life distracted by technology has come with many negative side effects, but it took a pandemic for me to appreciate the value of my time and to truly want something better

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LookUp and The Social Dilemma Announce Impact Partnership

Two leading forces, LookUp, a youth-inspired social enterprise, and the Netflix Docu-drama, The Social Dilemma, are teaming up to embolden Gen Z to take action and pitch solutions via a StartUp Grant Competition and the Youth 4 Youth Summit…

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“The Social Dilemma” Calls for Action: Gen Z Answers

We empower Gen Z to create and develop solutions that counteract the harms of social media dependence, digital overload, and social isolation while activating tech for good and digital activism. The release of The Social Dilemma brings these issues to the forefront. Have you seen it?

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Your Life On[the]line

In our transient world, technology is redefining our human experience. Apps that are connecting friends over thousands of miles are simultaneously bringing nations to the brink of war…

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How I Brought Tech-Life Balance to My Community

I’ve heard this so many times. My generation is one of the first to have cell phones and technology as such a large part of our lives and the problems this causes are not being addressed. I see this everywhere I look: from myself, to my classmates, to the kids I babysit...

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How I Use Stickers to Promote Tech-Life Balance

I see the most misuse of technology when I’m with my friends. Most of the time when we hang out, my friends ignore me because they are so consumed by their phones. Not only do I lose quality time with my friends, but also I feel extremely disrespected…

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